Genting Highlands 2003

Roller-coaster Corkscrew
The Corkscrew Rollercoaster
Corkscrew merupakan roller-coaster yang paling besar di Genting Highlands. Walaupun ia tidak sehebat roller-coaster di negara luar, namun mencubanya merupakan pengalaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan.
The Corkscrew is the largest roller-coaster in Genting Highlands. Although it is not as thrill as roller-coasters in other countries, riding it would be an unforgetable experience.
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arez_genting03_0901.jpg (48779 bytes)

Gambar ini diambil di barisan menunggu giliran ke Corkscrew. Belakang arezeo adalah sebahagian daripada landasan roller-coaster ini.
This pic was taken in the queue lane to the Corkscrew. Can you notice the roller-coaster track behind arezeo?
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